United Nations Technology Bank is Planned to be Established in TÜSSİDE

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Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Mr. Fikri IŞIK reported that the United Nations "High Level Panel of Experts" approved the recommendation to establish and implement the United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries in Turkey.

Talking about the efforts made by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan regarding the establishment of the bank, Minister Işık said that the "High Level Panel of Experts" appointed by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-mun on 26 November 2014 was given the responsibility of carrying out a feasibility study on the Technology Bank initiative, which is planned to be established. .

It was accepted to be established in Turkey

Mr. Fikri Işık, chaired by World Academy of Sciences Director Prof. Dr. Stating that the work of the "High Level Panel of Experts" conducted by Romain Murenzi has been completed, he said: "I would like to express with great pleasure that, with the report prepared by the High Level Panel, the Central Office of the United Nations Technology Bank for 'Least Developed Countries' is in Turkey." The recommendation decision to establish and implement the project has been approved. "This decision will be presented to Ban Ki-moon in the coming days," he said. Mr. Fikri Işık emphasized that it was a pleasure for them to approve the functionality and suitability of such a bank and to accept Turkey as the host country with the agreement of all members, and said: "Our country, which is almost the same distance from the USA and Japan, truly has a strategic location," he said.

'It will make it easier for researchers'

Mr. Referring to the work of the bank, Fikri Işık said that even if the Least Developed Countries want to produce many basic products and basic technologies, they may face high intellectual property and patent costs, and one of the main priorities of the bank is to protect the patent and intellectual property rights of the developed countries. He stated that he would offer it to the countries under favorable conditions. Stating that the second dimension of the Bank's work will be studies to increase the science, technology and innovation capacity in the Least Developed Countries, Mr. Fikri Işık stated that studies will be carried out to enable researchers in these countries to access academic networks and international publications more quickly and easily.

It will be implemented in TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE

Mr. Fikri Işık informed that they are planning for the Technology Bank to start operating within TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and stated that the synergy that will be created by combining the capabilities of TÜBİTAK and its institutes and the opportunities offered by the Informatics Valley will strengthen the power of the bank.

In this context, Mr. stated that TÜBİTAK has seriously started to work on designing support programs for 48 countries. Fikri Işık explained that they will employ the qualified and young human resources of the country within the bank.

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