DOKAP Strategic Plan External Stakeholder OAP® Study was Held in Giresun

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The workshop, organized with the participation of approximately 150 external stakeholders consisting of representatives of public institutions/organizations, universities and NGOs, within the scope of the DOKAP Strategic Planning Project signed between the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Development Eastern Black Sea Project Regional Development Administration (DOKAP) and TÜSSİDE on 28 March 2016, was held in Giresun on 26 May 2016. .

The workshop, which was organized to obtain external stakeholder opinions, which can be considered as the most important part of the institutional analysis, started with the opening speech of DOKAP RDA President Ekrem Yüce. After the opening speech, following the project information presentation made by Can Bayraktar on behalf of TÜSSİDE, the Common Mind Platform® study was held under the moderation of Selçin Haney, one of TÜSSİDE consultants.

A survey was also conducted at the workshop to obtain participants' opinions, expectations and evaluations about DOKAP within the framework of DOKAP's institutionalization efforts. The outputs to be obtained as a result of these workshops and surveys will constitute input to the strategic plan in determining the strategic structure that should be in DOKAP with a long-term perspective and determining the priority areas to focus on.

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