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Field Visits were Held in Spain within the Scope of the Research Project for Determination of Organic Agriculture Basins in the DOKAP Region

DOKAP Region Organic Agriculture Basins...
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Closing Workshop of the Study and Feasibility Project for the Creation of Konya Karaman Mersin Industry and Trade Corridor was Held

Conducted by TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, 'Konya-Karaman-Mersin...
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“Future Look to 2023 with TÜBİTAK” Workshop Held in TÜSİDE

“Towards 2023, Moving to the Future with TÜBİTAK...
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DOKAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Project Closing Meeting Held in Giresun

Eastern Black Sea Project (DOKAP) Region...
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TÜSSİDE Completed the Analysis of Collaboration Processes in Red Meat Production and Processing Project

Food, Agriculture with TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE...
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“The Study of Harmonization of Turkey's Health Accounts System with the OECD 2011 System” was Successfully Completed

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2018 Winter Science Camps Held

Ministry of Family and Social Policies...
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KVKK will determine its strategies with TÜSSİDE

For the Personal Data Protection Authority...
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Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise Strategic Plan Workshops were Held

With Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise (TTK) ...
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Overseas Technical Study Visits were Held in the Agriculture and Livestock Sector

With TÜSSİDE, Food, Agriculture and...
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DOKAP President Ekrem Yüce Visited TÜSSİDE

Eastern Black Sea Project Regional Development...
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Field Visits Were Held in Mersin within the Scope of the KOP Trade Corridor Project

Konya Plain by TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE...
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GAP Region Will Increase Its Entrepreneurship and Innovation Capacity with TÜSSİDE

Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) Region...
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Turkish Hard Coal Strategic Planning Training was Held

With Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise (TTK) ...
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Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Korea Policy Center Visited TÜSSİDE

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...
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Awareness Meetings were Held in Tokat and Giresun within the Scope of DOKAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Project Clustering Work Package

DOKAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research...
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TÜSSİDE and DOKAP Examined Good Practice Examples in the Netherlands

DOKAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research...
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Ege University Strategic Management Training

Ege University Strategic Management Training...
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Process Studies of ÇATAB Corporate System Configuration Project are Nearing to End

Gallipoli Historical Site of Gallipoli Wars...
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Türkiye's Health Accounts System is Being Harmonized with OECD

TÜSSİDE, SAGEM and Acıbadem University...
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Trabzon Free Zone Visit and Focus Group Study

DOKAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research...
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Students from Hakkari were at TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE

TR Hakkari Governorship, Hakkari Province...
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2017 Summer Science Camps Completed

Ministry of National Education Istanbul Provincial...
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Field Studies for the DOKAP Region Ready-Made Clothing Cluster have been Completed

DOKAP Region Entrepreneurship and Innovation...
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Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise (TTK) Will Determine Its Future with TÜSSİDE

Its recent launch with TTK...
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PTT's Integrated Management System was Modeled with TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE

From PTT's 176-year long history...
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TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Completed the Public Transportation Focused Istanbul Traffic Planning Project

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National Boron Research Institute Strategic Plan Project Completed

National Boron Research Institute (BOREN) ...
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Organized Industrial Zone Supreme Council (OSBÜK) Visit was Held within the Scope of Konya Karaman Mersin Trade Corridor Activation Project

Konya Plain on the side of TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE...
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TÜSSİDE and KOP Regional Development Administration Made Observations in Incheon Special Economic Zone

Konya Plain on the side of TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE...
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Field Studies Started for DOKAP Region Ready-Made Clothing Cluster

DOKAP Region Entrepreneurship and Innovation...
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Within the scope of DOKAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Project, Overseas Field Visits were Held to Examine Good Practice Examples on-Site

DOKAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research...
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Field Meetings for the Analysis of Cooperation Processes in Red Meat Production and Processing Project have been Completed

TÜBİTAK Türkiye Industry Dispatch and...
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GAP Strategic Plan Common Mind Platform® was Realized and Strategic Plan Preparation Trainings Started

TR Ministry of Development GAP Region...
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TÜDEMSAŞ's Road Map was Discussed with External Stakeholders

Turkish Railway, one of the important organizations of Sivas...
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Current Situation Analysis Workshops of the Analysis of Cooperation Processes in Red Meat Production and Processing Project were Held in Erzurum

TC Food, Agriculture and Livestock...
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The Closing Meeting of the Seed Sector National Strategy Development Project was Held

With the Turkish Seed Growers Association (TÜRKTOB) ...
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Pakistan Higher Education Council Members Were at TÜSSİDE for Quality Assurance Systems and Capacity Building Programs

Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC Pakistan) ...
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KOSDER – TÜSSİDE Maritime Exploration Workshop was Held

Coaster Shipowners and Operators Association...
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Visit of TÜSSİDE Chairman of the Board Tezer BATTAL to Gebze Chamber of Commerce

TÜSSİDE Manager / Board of Directors...
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TÜSSİDE Chairman of the Board of Directors Visited Eti Maden İşletmeleri General Directorate

TÜSSİDE Manager / Board of Directors...
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The Opening Meeting of the “Strategic Management, Process Management and Internal Control System Creation” Project with TÜDEMSAŞ was Held in Sivas

Turkish Railway Machinery Industry Inc. ...
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Two Giant Names Who Left Their Marks in People's Lives Meet with School Principals in Kocaeli

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Capacity Building Phase of Erzurum Hinterland Red Meat Sector Cooperation Processes Analysis Project, Cooperation Processes Started

TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and MFAL TRGM (Agricultural ...
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ÇATAB Institutionalization Project Opening Meeting was Held

On 20 March 2017, TÜBİTAK...
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Science Camps Held in Collaboration with TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, ASPB and Filli Boya Received the 1st Prize in the International The Peer Awards Competition

TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, Family and Social Policies...
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Analysis of Collaboration Processes in Red Meat Production and Processing Project Started

TC Food, Agriculture and Livestock...
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“Strategic Management, Process Management and Establishment of Internal Control System” Project was Signed with TÜDEMSAŞ

Turkish Railway Machinery Industry Inc. ...
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The 2nd Phase of the Human Resources Management Project was Signed with Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and TÜBİTAK...
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Konya Karaman Mersin Industry and Trade Corridor Workshop was Held

With KOP Region Development Administration...
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