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TÜSSİDE Manager and Project Executives Visited IETT

TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer ...
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Clustering Strategies Training was Held at TÜSSİDE

Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock ...
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Provincial Directors of National Education from 81 Provinces are at TÜSSİDE

TÜSSİDE (Turkish Industrial Dispatch and ...
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Public Service Announcement Regarding the Measures to be Taken for Adaptation to Climate Change Has Been Broadcast!

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanization...
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Applied Production Management Handbook meets industrialists…

Problems experienced in production, production systems...
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TÜBİTAK -TÜSSİDE 10th Advisory Board Meeting was held

Attended the meeting together with the advisory board members...
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Preparation of the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan of the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration was carried out.

Mining signed on April 28, 2014...
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İZSU Attended Strategic Management Training at TÜSSİDE.

TÜSSİDE experts, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality...
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Vocational Qualifications Authority Common Mind Platform® was Held in Ankara.

Vocational Qualifications Authority (MYK) Strategic...
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Update Studies on the Drug Reimbursement List

Launched in cooperation with TÜSSİDE SGK...
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TÜSSİDE Continues to Sign Cooperation Protocols with Universities

TÜSSİDE, its projects, education, research...
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Health Technology Assessment Meeting

Held for the first time this year...
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TÜSSİDE carried out Strategic Management Training with Milsoft Yazılım Teknolojileri A.Ş.

Internationally, “Integrated Talent Maturity...
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The Address of Leadership Training in the International Field is TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE

The Leadership School program was previously...
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The "Development of National Clustering Strategies for the Olive and Olive Oil Sector" Project was signed.

The olive and olive oil industry in Turkey...
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TÜSSİDE Entrepreneurship Academy was at Gedik University

As TÜSSİDE Entrepreneurship Academy, 07-11...
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TÜSSİDE SME Academy Realized its Second Program on R&D Innovation and Project Management

R&D of SMEs operating in our country...
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An Agreement for Strategic Partnership was Signed Between TÜSSİDE and NICE International

TÜSSİDE and NICE International organization...
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Ministry of Family and Social Policies Quality Infrastructure Development Project

Ministry of Family and Social Policies...
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Satisfaction Survey of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies has been concluded

Ministry of Family and Social Policies...
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TÜSSİDE Signs Collaborations with Universities

In this context, TÜSSİDE Institute Director...
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Entrepreneurship and Leadership Training for 15 Thousand Managers and Teachers

15 Thousand Managers and...
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Ministry of Family and Social Policies Impact Analysis Project

Impact Analysis Family in June 2013...
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TR Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications 2014-2018 Strategic Plan Project

Theme 1: Highways TC Transportation, ...
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Advisor to World Leaders Prof. Dr. ...
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MÜSİAD Information Technologies Sector Summit 2013

MÜSİAD “Information Technologies Sector Summit...
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Turkish Coal Enterprises Corporation was at TÜSSİDE.

Turkish Coal Enterprises Institution (TKİ) ...
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1514 Venture Capital Support Program

TÜBİTAK Venture Capital with code 1514...
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Social Policy Award

Working at TÜSSİDE Social Research Unit...
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Entrepreneurship Education with Istanbul University

TÜSSİDE Experienced entrepreneurship at Istanbul University...
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He was at Gaziantep University TÜSSİDE.

Gaziantep University Strategic Management Training, 5-8 ...
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He participated in TÜSSİDE TRANSİST-2013.

TRANSIST Istanbul – Istanbul Transportation...
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3 Strategic Plan projects were carried out in TÜSSİDE in 2013.

In TÜSSİDE, 3 Strategic...
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New Approach for TÜBİTAK Personnel: Competency-Based Training Management

TÜBİTAK Public Career Academy Project; ...
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Izmir Water and Sewerage Administration...
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Bosnia-Herzegovina Public Administrators, Leadership School Program

Bosnia and Herzegovina Public Administrators, Leadership School...
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VGM Strategic Plan Project has been completed

TR Prime Ministry General Directorate of Foundations...
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TÜSSİDE Added a New One to Its University Collaborations

Between TÜSSİDE and Gedik University...
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SME Academy R&D Innovation and Project Management Program

R&D of SMEs operating in our country...
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Entrepreneurship Council Signing Ceremony

Studies on the development of entrepreneurship in Turkey...
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TÜSSİDE Corporate Reputation Management Center

Corporate Reputation established within TÜSSİDE...
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Climate Change was on the Table

Climate Change with local representatives in Edirne...
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Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock

Between 2-6 December 2011...
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